View artwork locations along the Scottsdale Waterfront in 360-degree images

For desktop viewing, click on the image (not the VR button) to grab and swipe left, right, up, or down to rotate the image. To see a larger version of the image, move to the desired viewing angle, then click the VR button.

For mobile device viewing, you may have to click “allow” multiple times to view initial image, then rotate your device and/or touch the screen for movement. If the “allow” button does not disappear, try refreshing the page.

Numbers correspond to “Canal Convergence Site Map: Aerial View” in the RFP.

2. Far southwest bank of canal, near Goldwater Bridge

4. Northwest bank of canal, near Goldwater Bridge

4. Northwest bank of canal, between Goldwater Bridge and Marshall Way Bridge

5. Shade structure on southwest bank of canal

6. The underpass on the north side of Marshall Way Bridge

7. Marshall Way Bridge at the center of the event footprint

8. Stetson Plaza, between Marshall Way Bridge and Stetson Drive

10. Pathway expansion on northeast side of canal, near Marshall Way Bridge

11. Northeast bank of canal, between Marshall Way Bridge and Soleri Bridge

13. Southeast bank of canal, near Marshall Way Bridge

13. Southeast bank of canal, between Marshall Way Bridge and Soleri Bridge

13. Southeast bank of the canal, near Soleri Plaza

14. South side of fountain, northeast bank of the canal

16. Southwest side of Soleri Plaza, near the canal

16. Northeast side of Soleri Plaza, overlooking easternmost canal section within event footprint