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Trillian + InSpires 

On display November 4–13, 2022

Los Angeles

Trillian + InSpires consists of three sculptures of steel panels with complex, laser cut patterns inspired by natural forms, ancient Islamic tiles, mathematics, and geometry. During the day, Trillian + InSpires shine like golden jewels, and at night they transform to cast light and shadow from the patterns on the surrounding environment. Each sculpture is lit with LEDs from the inside in order to cast colorful, intricate shadows. 

Trillian is a 10-foot diameter steel rhombicosidodecahedron with 62 triangular, square, and pentagonal faces—a combination of a dodecahedron, an icosahedron, and many hexahedrons. The pattern is based on a mathematical discovery by Roger Penrose in the early 1970s that came to be known as the Penrose tiling, where a surface is completely tiled in an asymmetrical, non-repeating manner in five-fold symmetry with just two five-sided shapes based on the golden ratio or phi. 

InSpires consists of two, 4-foot wide by 8-foot tall, elongated dodecahedrons with intricate patterns inspired by the cosmos and space travel. 


HYBYCOZO is a collaborative installation art collective made up of Serge Beaulieu and Yelena Filipchuk. Their work consists of larger-than-life sculptures that celebrate the inherent beauty of geometric form and pattern, composed in ways that harmonize the experience of sculpture, light, and shadow. Much of their work draws on inspirations from mathematics, science, and natural influences and acknowledges diverse cultural influences in pattern-making and design. 

Yelena Filipchuk, born in 1987 in Lviv, Ukraine, has a background in environmental science and studio art and is passionate about using public artwork to invite inquiry into scientific and historical concepts. Serge Beaulieu, born in 1981 in Revelstoke, Canada, utilizes his background in industrial design to bring an element of technical sophistication and cutting-edge production processes to sculpture. They have permanent public sculptures around the world from Dubai and Istanbul to Las Vegas and the San Francisco Bay area. 

HYBYCOZO was invited to participate in this year’s Canal Convergence as a returning artist in celebration of our 10th anniversary. HYBYCOZO first exhibited at Canal Convergence in 2017 with the eponymous artwork HYBYCOZO. 

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