Pnuehaus and Bike Powered Events
On display November 4–13, 2022
Rumford, Rhode Island
Canopy is a grove of six, illuminated, tree-like sculptures that continuously transform in shape and color as participants power them through bike-driven generators. The artwork empowers its visitors, giving them a firsthand experience with green electricity generation and rewarding them with large-scale beauty for their efforts. Canopy instigates a collaborative process of placemaking that affixes ecological vitality parallel to social and artistic vibrancy.
Pneuhaus is an art and design studio that specializes in exuberant transformations of public space. Its immersive sculptures and environments guide visitors into the universe of their senses and the joys of shared experience. The design process deeply engages intrinsic qualities of materials to evolve forms that harmoniously express their physical and dynamic nature. Inspired by physics, biology, and craft, the studio’s work incorporates the lessons of nature in both form and function.
Bike Powered Events harnesses stationary bikes to create fun, engaging events that generate electricity, collaboration, and well-being for all ages. It has been bringing pedal power to offices, neighborhoods, festivals, and schools nationwide since 2009. Bike Powered Events activities are 100% pedal-powered and range from amplifying sound systems and mixing smoothies to churning ice cream and creating spin art.